Monday, June 23, 2008

[France/Swiss 2008] 日內瓦湖

撮影日付:8th FEB 2008
撮影場所:Genève, Swiss. (スイス)
機材:EOS Kiss digital + EF 70-200mm F/2.8 IS

Lunch with Ma, St, Ge, Ha, YL, Ta and Fe.
本日經典:沒人性的人怎麼可以問人家什麼是沒人性 @@
Y莫名奇妙就欠下我半年後的一頓飯,哈,這邊記著 XD
原來只管SIM PB的F很識貨,假鑚雖然不比真鑚,也是稀有的咩 :P
可憐的Ho在日本賣命不能出席> < (日本食物很好吃說,你不差這攤啦~)
It should be a happy ending, but the ending itself is somehow a sorrow concept.

08:06:06.018 CM_SYSTEM_MODE: 0

Without Title 2008.08.10. - 2008.08.16.
Without Title II 2008.08.17. - 2008.08.23.
Without Title III 2008.08.24. - 2008.08.30.
Without Title IV 2008.08.31. - 2008.09.06.
Without Title V 2008.09.07. - 2008.09.13.
Without Title VI 2008.09.14. - 2008.09.20.
Without Title VII 2008.09.21. - 2008.09.27.
Without Title VIII 2008.09.28. - 2008.10.02.
Without Title IX 2008.10.18. - 2008.10.25.
Without Title X 2008.10.26. - 2008.11.01.
Without Title XI 2008.11.02. - 2008.11.08.
Without Title XII 2008.11.09. - 2008.11.15.
Without Title XIII 2008.11.16. - 2008.11.22.
Without Title XIV 2008.11.23. - 2008.11.29.
Without Title XV 2008.11.30. - 2008.12.06.
Without Title XVI 2008.12.07. - 2008.12.13.
Without Title XVII 2008.12.14. - 2008.12.20.
Without Title XVIII 2008.12.21. - 2008.12.27.
Without Title XIX 2008.12.28. - 2009.2.5.
Without Title Vol. 20 2009.2.21. - 2009.2.28.
Without Title Vol. 21 2009.3.1. - 2009.3.7.
Without Title Vol. 22 2009.3.8. - 2009.3.14.
Without Title Vol. 23 2009.3.15. - 2009.3.22.
Without Title Vol. 24 2009.5.17. - 2009.5.23.
Without Title Vol. 25 2009.5.24. - 2009.5.29.
Without Title Vol. 26 2009.5.31. - 2009.6.6.
Without Title Vol. 27 2009.6.7. - 2009.6.13.
Without Title Vol. 28 2009.6.14. - 2009.6.20.
Without Title Vol. 29 2009.6.21. - 2009.6.27.
Without Title Vol. 30 2009.6.28. - 2009.7.4.
Without Title Vol. 31 2009.7.5. - 2009.7.11.
Without Title Vol. 32 2009.7.12. - 2009.7.18.
Without Title Vol. 33 2009.7.19. - 2009.7.25.
Without Title Vol. 34 2009.7.26. - 2009.8.1.
Without Title Vol. 35 2009.8.2. - 2009.8.8.
Without Title Vol. 36 2009.8.9. - 2009.8.15.
Without Title Vol. 37 2009.8.16. - 2009.8.22.
Without Title Vol. 38 2009.8.23. - 2009.8.29.
Without Title Vol. 39 2009.8.30. - 2009.9.5.
Without Title Vol. 40 2009.9.6. - 2009.9.12.
Without Title Vol. 41 2009.9.13. - 2009.9.19.
Without Title Vol. 42 2009.9.20. - 2009.9.26.
Without Title Vol. 43 2009.9.27. - 2009.10.10.