Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Days in HK (54) L'ATELIER de Joël Robuchon

↑4th Feb 2015, 配咖啡的點心。

↑4th Feb 2015, 有史以來最開心最幸福的一個生日。Thanks! (Delicate verbena jelly with strawberries, yoghurt cream and strawberry sorbet)

↑4th Feb 2015, share了一片,生熟度還蠻驚人的伊比利豬肉,但一點兒腥味都沒有,熟成的風味令人印象深刻。(Roasted Iberico pork “pluma” with broccoli puree and hazelnuts)

↑4th Feb 2015, 濃郁的龍蝦味、真材實料的龍蝦肉和恰到好處的麵條,是貓貓的最愛。(Maine lobster spaghetti and coral emulsion)

↑4th Feb 2015, 自組午餐的湯。很清淡的湯但各種湯料充滿驚奇。蒜味雞肉, 充滿創意的芒果丁, 鮮美的海鮮.... (Fine ginger spiced celery bouillon with coriander, chicken and mushrooms)

↑4th Feb 2015, 自組午餐的前菜,這道純拍照而已。(Crispy poached egg on mimolette cheese emulsion with smoked duck breast)

↑4th Feb 2015, 自組午餐的前菜。有白蘆筍和西班牙火腿的沙拉盤(White asparagus with almond oil, baby spinach and Iberico ham)

↑4th Feb 2015, 總是讓人難以抉擇的麵包籃

↑4th Feb 2015, 還蠻特別的熱的開場小點

↑4th Feb 2015, 有浮雕縮寫的奶油

↑4th Feb 2015, 吧檯的中國新年裝飾

↑4th Feb 2015, 紅

↑4th Feb 2015, 令人目不暇給,色調相當豐富的吧檯區

↑4th Feb 2015, 入座。吧檯一角的座位,比較有安全感。

↑4th Feb 2015, 五年後,在不同的國家再訪L'ATELIER de Joël Robuchon

↑4th Feb 2015, 置地廣場的新年裝飾